More Men Are Attracted To You Than You Think - Their Body Language Prove It

Most women can regularly categorise themselves as one of two types: attractive types or not so attractive types. Most women believe that if they get more attention than others it's because they're more attractive. On the other end of the scale, women believe that if they don't receive much attention from men, it's because they're unattractive.
In my experience. these two categories are complete codswallop. The real division between women is between those who are aware of the attention they receive and those who are not.
Some women are aware the minute a man thinks anything remotely sexual about them. It's like they have a radar scanner going on that detects every complimentary thought. Not a sideways glance or even the quietest of whistles escapes this girl's attention.
This first type of woman is confident. She knows men are attracted to her and she likes it.
And then there's the second type of woman. Women of this type believe themselves to be unattractive. They don't believe men are interested in them. That's why, whenever they here a compliment or whenever they think a man's admiring them, they immediately presume that there must be some other reason for the attention. It couldn't possibly be because the guy's interested, he just happened to accidentally smack my butt while gazing admiringly in my eyes.
This second type of woman has little confidence. She doesn't believe men are attracted to her and she feels unattractive as a result.
Now imagine both these women receive precisely the same amount of attention. The confident woman and the unconfident woman both receive ten compliments, for instance. Based on their personalities, the confident woman will believe that all ten compliments were the result of her stunning beauty and irresistibility. The unconfident woman, however, will believe that there was an ulterior motive for every single compliment.
Both receive the same amount of attention. Yet both perceive that attention in very different ways.
If you're one of the second type of woman, the type who receives attention but constantly presumes there's some ulterior motive for it, our best course of action is to train yourself to be able to recognise male attention. The best way to do that is by learning a little about male body language.
The next time you feel uncertain about a man's feeling, simply consult this list of body language gestures. The list is a tick-list of different body language gestures men naturally show when attracted to a woman. The list is based on scientific studies in nonverbal communication. In other words, it's based on fact.
Male Body Language Signs of Attraction
Men will show the following body language signs when attracted to a woman:
  • Dilated pupils while looking at you
  • Licking lips
  • Fleetingly gazes at sexual areas
  • He caresses objects for no reason
  • Accidentally bumping into you to get your attention
  • Moving a chair closer to you
  • Doing various things to get closer to you
  • Gazing at you from across the room
  • Holds your gaze when you look at him or (for shy guys) looks away awkwardly
  • His belly button points towards you
  • His feet point towards you
  • He raises his eyebrows when you look at him
  • He leans towards you
  • Face grows red when you look at him
  • Fidgets nervously with clothes or face when talking to you or looking at you
  • Preening
  • Flexing muscles or doing something to make himself look bigger
If a guy performs six or more of these gestures while around you, he is attracted to you.
It's important to be honest when using this list. You need to let go of your debilitating belief that people are not attracted to you. Instead, learn to observe men objectively. If a guy shows the body language gestures we have covered above while around you, you know-regardless of your disbelief-that he is attracted to you.
More men are attracted to you than you think. Use this list and you will prove it to yourself. You will be shocked to discover how many men are attracted to you.
Paul Harrison is a body language specialist. For more on  male flirting body language visit
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