Ex Lover - How Do You Get Your Lover Back?

You were once in love with this guy/girl. You fell in love with each other and the romance was hot and passionate. Then all over sudden something happened and the situation changed. Your lover turned into an ex lover. So how do you get your lover back?

It can be very tricky getting back together with an ex lover depending on the circumstances. Here are some of the scenarios that you may be finding yourself in; was your ex lover single when you were together and is currently married? Or maybe your ex lover was married and the two of you were having an affair with each other? Is your ex lover currently single? Or perhaps your ex lover went off to have a relationship with someone else and you want them back? There are quite a number of things you can do depending on your answers to these questions.

A quick answer to the most obvious question above is that it is very OK to get back together with your ex lover provided that both of you are currently single and have rectified any issues that may have brought the rift between you two. But in the real life, things do not work out that way. There is most likely a wild card involved when one partner tries to get back with their ex lover. This wild card is that it is very likely that one of the partners involved is in love with another person and most often than not is in another relationship. If your case holds true to the above condition, then it is paramount that the other partner decides that they want you back as well.

If your ex wants you back, then it is compulsory that your partner breaks off the relationship with the other person, and then get back to you. However, if you are in a relationship with another guy/girl, you will then have to make up your mind and stop the relationship with your current partner, provided that both you and your ex lover have very strong feelings for each other once again. Good communication makes all the difference here.

Supposing that either one or the two of you are willing to break off their current relationship in order to be with each other again, there must be a mutual agreement between the both of you that the problems that came about in the previous relationship are addressed and resolved. You have to be committed to work through your differences.

Everybody is unique in their own way and you just have to find a way of celebrating your unique points without compromising a lot on your own values. It is a matter of finding a common ground. Just remember that in any negotiation with your ex, it is always a good thing if you go with the mentality of giving more than you want to take. Give twice as much as you would want from your partner.

Even when it comes to monetary issues, family, spiritual or emotional situations, it is only reasonable that you sacrifice something to make the other satisfied and vice versa. It is all about trying to find a common ground to act as a springboard your renewed relationship.

I hope that the information above was of help to you in your current situation. You are welcome to click on the link below and join me on the other side, where I give you more practical examples of how other people have tackled the same challenges that you are going through. As they say, there is nothing new under the sun. It is a matter of learning from other people's experiences. See you on the other side.
Click Here To Watch A Short Video By A Relationship Expert On How You Can Get Your Ex Back In 3 Simple Steps.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Odongo_Okungu

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