Friends I Want to Meet in Heaven

We all have friends on earth but have you ever thought about who you want to meet in Heaven? Whether Biblical characters or someone from history, which people come to mind?

From the Bible, there are a few women I can think of. The number one person I want to meet is Hagar. She was in a tough situation I which she had no control. We don't know what became of her and just have to trust that God had his had on her and blessed her in her life.

The second person is Rahab. She became one of the female members in the family line of David. I also want to meet Mary Magdalene, the woman caught in adultery, the woman at the well and the woman who washed Jesus's feet with her hair. It's not quite clear if these instances was the sane woman or different women but I want to know their stories.

Joseph is the man from the Bible I want to meet. I want to know the rest of the story from his life.
From people in history, I want to meet Dorothy Day. She had quite a story. She went from not believing in God to spending her life serving him by ministering to "the least of these". Also, Ethel Waters, the actress/singer who even as an elderly woman, inspired me in fifth grade to want to serve God singing, all the days of my life.

If my grandfather is there, I want to hear his story and tell him that he is forgiven and loved. I want to see him smile. I never knew him and it wasn't a pleasant story but hope it is one of redemption in the end.
From my lifetime, I hope to see those who were briefly in my path that I never saw again and hope that I made a difference in their lives.

Wouldn't it be fun to get to be friends with people from another century? I wonder if it would be like time travel and you could experience each other's time periods. For example, getting to teach them how to wear makeup, play and instrument or drive a car. Would they like roller skating? Would we like the same music?
I suppose we won't be able to travel to the future but if we could, I would find those who need a friend and tell them it's going to be alright.

Author, Laura Schroeder enjoys sharing her life experiences and encouraging others. If her articles have been helpful, you may contact her at Please make any comments family friendly.
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