How Do You Seduce a Woman Without Getting In the Friend Zone?

Okay, so a lot of guys do end up having this problem. They start out with the idea that they are going to be able to seduce women easily and next thing you know, they are getting caught in the friend zone more than they ever expected that they would. I've seen it a lot. Guys who kind of position themselves as being a "ladies man" but the reality is that they are friends with women, not anything more than that. There are reasons for why that happens and if you know why some guys get caught in the friend zone when they are trying to seduce a woman, you'll have a much better chance of it NOT happening to you.

Here are a few tips that will help you so that you don't get seen as a friend:

1. You can't just be a rapport builder with women.
This is what happens most often to guys who try to become successful with women. They get to a point where they are good at approaching women, and they get to a point where they can make conversation - but that's all that they are good at. When you can walk up to a woman and talk to her, mostly what you are doing is building rapport with her. You might be building a little bit of attraction, but it's not the kind of attraction that makes her want to jump in bed with you. It's the kind of attraction that makes her want to spend time with you and maybe hang out and have some fun, but that's about it.

2. You need to know what it takes to up the ante.
By that, I mean that you need to know how to go from just having that rapport and a little bit of attraction to making her feel a desire to be with you. So, what does it take? You have to be able to flirt with her and use that flirting to amplify her attraction towards you. But, it doesn't stop there. You also need to know how to talk sexually to a woman so that she feels turned on and not grossed out. If you've ever heard a guy who DOESN'T know what he is doing try to talk sexually to a woman, you'll see the look on her face and you'll know that she is getting grossed out and not turned on.

A man who truly knows how to seduce a woman can make her feel turned on really FAST.
Go to: Underground Seduction Secrets to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Attract, and Seduce ANY Woman You DESIRE...
Copyright © 2013 Chris G. Tyler All Rights Reserved.
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