Dating Deal Breakers and What They Mean

By Sherm Wilson

These days, everyone is always in search of true love - that perfect man or woman who will be everything we've been dreaming of. A soul mate. Or, as Jerry Maquire would put it, that person we can look at and think, "You complete me."

It should come as no surprise, then, that if many of us maintain a mental inventory of everything we want in the girl or guy we date, then we also have a running tally of the things we don't want. In essence, there are certain "deal breakers" that will cause us to shut the door on a prospective partner.

Clearly, deal breakers come in a variety of flavors. What may be a deal breaker for you may not be an issue for someone else. (One man's meat is another man's poison, as they say.) For example, one guy may think girls with hairy legs are gross, while another may think it's natural and have no problem with it.

Girls will often have a number of dealbreakers when it comes to a guy they are dating. Perhaps they don't like guys who are divorced or just got out of a relationship. (My understanding is that this is because these guys tend to have more baggage than the norm - whatever the norm is.) Or they may not care for guys who drink cheap beer or who live in a certain area of town. (Of course, it's not a surprise that women are picky, so deal breakers are par for the course with them.)

In a similar vein, guys will also sometimes close the book on a relationship because of a perceived dealbreaker. One example might be a girl whose father is a reputed mob boss (and he's made it clear that he hates the guy). Or if she's insanely jealous of all other females - including the guy's relatives.

Basically, almost anything can be a deal breaker (and many of them are funny). In fact, it's probably a good thing that we all are aware of certain things that we don't want to deal with in terms of romance. It will likely keep things from becoming messy later.

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