What Color Wedding Dress Should You Choose

By Julie Green

Historically, the white wedding dress was a symbol for a bride's chastity, purity, and innocence. Modern brides are straying away from the traditionalism of the past and opting for an edgy, shocking, and unique look for their big day. As with any change, it can be scary to think of doing something away from the norm. On the other hand, some brides are so anti-white that they are willing to wear red, pink, even black wedding dresses. Here are some things to consider if you are stuck between going traditional white or shocking colored wedding dress.

Individuality/Personality: Are you eccentric, unique, original? Chances are you have already considered wearing a colored wedding dress, and to the detest of your mother or bridal party have already tried on a rainbow of colored dress. But you are steadfast in the idea that a colored wedding dress best matches your personality. Stick with it! Don't let others try to contain your wild personality and let it shine on your big day. You can try to please them by choosing to wear a veil or using a traditional bridal bouquet. For the bride that is scared of trying on anything that isn't pure white, you must face the cold hard facts that millions of millions of brides have worn a white dress. Why not do something a little original or different? You don't have to go as extreme as wearing a black wedding dress, but why not wear a colorful sash or add dramatic accessories that show off your personality. Don't look like a cookie-cutter bride on your big day, find some way to stand out and shine.

Next you must consider how "bridal" you want to look. Often a bride has been dreaming of her big day for years and those thoughts have likely been centered around the traditional white dress. Due to this, the idea of going with anything but a white dress can be little disheartening for many brides. Another fear of the conservative bride is that without the white dress they will not be recognized as "The Bride". The spectrum of the question of how "bridal" you want to look is a big question. Now if you are on the colorful dress side of the spectrum you again can remind people that you are the bride by wearing a trendy veil or traditional wedding bouquet. And if you are the traditional bride you can add a splash of color with a belt, sash, or other colorful wedding accessories.

Consider the way your dress fits. You must go into your dress shopping with an open mind and without a narrow focus. If your criteria is to restrictive you could miss out on the perfect dress for your personality. Allow yourself to try on white dresses and colorful dresses. Find a dress that flatters your figure and evokes that "feeling" when you wear it. Remember that if your dress is traditional white you can add color accents with your shoes, a sash, your veil, or any other wedding accessories. But definitely allow yourself to try on a blush, ivory, or off-white dress and see how it feels.

Don't be surprised if a few of your guests are surprised when you walk down the aisle with some color in your wedding dress. But once you have found your own personal level of color and tradition you need not worry about what your guests think.

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