Approaching Women: The Myth

By J. Ryu

You're in a bar / nightclub/ book store/ cafe/ knitting class, when you spot a cutie on the other side of the room. You would give anything to be able to go up to her to start a conversation and prove how charming and funny you are. If she glances at you and makes eye contact, you look down, shuffle your feet, the run away to the bathroom.

As you go home, alone, the incident plays out over and over in your bummed out brain. You're thinking about all the could haves, would haves, or should have that is making you feel dejected, depressed, small, and a big wussie.

The cold approach and the associated approach anxiety is the scariest hurdle men have to overcome when trying to pick up women. How do you go up to women? How do you start a conversation? What do you say? How do you stop them on the street? How do i keep myself from crapping myself when I see a beautiful woman?

No matter what the pickup artists or seduction gurus are selling, there is no magic technique or super secret seduction formula that lets you go from chump to pimp by reading a book or watching a video.

There is no "magic" chemical, there is no super secret subliminal mind control technique, there is no arcane, esoteric Don Juan magic. Anybody who is selling this is full of crap and any man who believes this is beyond hope.

But don't despair yet, there is hope! Although there is no "magic" formula, there is a systematic formula that allows a man to go from lonely to stud through practice, hard work, dedication, application, and general self improvement.

Approaching and picking up a woman is a skill, and like any other skill, it can be learned, practiced, and eventually mastered. Your level of mastery will obviously depend of such factors as natural talent, level of desire, how hard you work, and your level of commitment.

Between the many pickup artist systems, relationship experts and how-to ebooks on this matter, there is a basic structure and concepts that are shared throughout the different systems.

This is not some magic technique or a super secret formula. It is a timeless concept that not only applies to picking up women, but relationships and living life in general. These are: confidence, self improvement, mindset, body language, and common sense.

That's so obvious! Yes it is and it really is a simple concept. However what separates the chumps from the studs is the practice and specific application of this skill set. The studs are the ones that took the effort and energy required to learn and practice this skill while the chumps prefer to wait around for some alien to give them magic powers.

Being a Badass that knows how to talk to women and attracting any woman he desires is a journey of self improvement of body and mind. Like any skill, there are no shortcuts, the journey is rough, but the rewards are sweet.

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